
Gua Gua Guacamole Up a Tidal Wave of Momenum at SXSW

by Larry Chiang on March 9, 2012

UPDATE for SXSW 2017: http://bit.ly/vc0310zSummary is all things 2017 and it’s Friday, March 10th start.
Update: Party list for 2017 is http://bit.ly/vc0310list2017 and core calendar is http://bit.ly/buster11

Larry Chiang focus his 88 points of self-reported IQ on accelerating pre- entrepreneurs. He edits the Bloomberg BusinessWeek channel “What They Don’t Teach You at Business School”. It syndicates across twenty plus sites including CNN, Yahoo, TC, etc. After Chiang’s gave a Harvard Law keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“ (the same title as his NY Times best seller). If you read his scandalously awesome “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Stanford MBA”, “How a Stanford Engineer Works Hard and Smart at SXSW” and “How to Get Man-Charm”, you will like his latest post:

Gua Gua Guacamole: Engineering Up a Tidal Wave of Momentum at SXSW

—- AUSTIN, Texas

By Larry Chiang

Bruce Li can use a wet towel to kick ass. Jackie Chan can use a shopping cart. Me, I use Guacamole to kick butt. The advocado is used to generate entrepreneur momentum where previously there was only a green fruit trapped inside a brown shell.

Right now, I am going to share with you miniscule details about how exactly to generate momentum. These details, I orchestrate into signature business manuevers like Bruce Li or Jackie Chan.

I previously wrote about “Entrepreneur Jiu Jitsu”. It is where you work smart and hard by taking advantage of parades and the momentum of beating tom toms. Google it.

Here is my signature Gua Gua Guacamole move of similar links that cascade off your tongue in the real world—Yes, you memorize them and type them into people’s iPhone. Recipe = Engineer Up Tidal Wave of Momentum (the perpetual promotion machine) #EUTWMPPM

Here, EUTWMPPM is combined with another Gua Gua Guacamole recipe, Anchor + Satellite events at SXSW


And what they all mean.

The Tom Chiang MIT Engineer to Entrepreneur Transformation at Stanford and SXSW by his son, Larry Chiang


For details, link here: http://tom-chiang-engineer-entrepreneur-transformation.eventbrite.com

LPs Asking VCs Tough Questions. Engineers Laugh


For details, link here: http://lps-ask-vcs-tough-questions-engineers-laugh.eventbrite.com


ENGR 145 Alums Host Potential Summer E145 Students at Stanford University, Stanford CA at SXSW


For details, link here: http://engr-145-alums-teaching-prospective-students.eventbrite.com


Stanford Engineering Video Series: the Zero to Hero Transformation #zero2hero (open to all tech majors) at sxsw

For details, link here: http://stanford-engineering-video-series.eventbrite.com


For details, link here: http://byovc-sxsw.eventbrite.com

Plancast (Re)Launch Party at SXSW. A Stanford Engineering Business Case Study


For details, link here: http://plancast-stanford-engineering-business-case-study.eventbrite.com


SXSW Christian Party. Larry Chiang and Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)

For details, link here: http://christian-sxsw.eventbrite.com

Board of Director’s SIMULATION- What Stanford University Teaches Engineers (During SXSW Interactive; Badged)

For details, link here: http://private-boardroom-meeting-simulation.eventbrite.com

What They Do Teach You at NUS About What LPs Should Be Asking VCs at NVC (New Venture Creation)


For details, link here: http://national-university-singapore-lp-sxsw.eventbrite.com


CS Major CEO ‘TRAINING TABLE’ Like Stanford Athletics Arrillaga but at SXSWi


For details, link here: http://cs-major-ceo-training-table-sxsw-interactive.eventbrite.com

What I Do Teach at Stanford ENGR 145: Engineers ONLY! During SXSW Interactive (Badged)
want me to be your best friend?! Tweet: I am going to http://bit.ly/vc0310o

For details, link here: http://what-they-do-teach-engr-145-stanford-at-sxsw-party.eventbrite.com


For details, link here: http://unofficial-atx-engineers-sxsw.eventbrite.com
To be a value added guest, tweet, Ill be @larrychiang’s UnOfficial ATX: WTDTYASBS event Sat #sxsw http://bit.ly/vc0310u

**** Pop Up Accelerator *****



*******  JBA   **************


****  Reverse Engineer Everything   *******
Reverse Engineer Everything #sxsw. Know what I know because I have taken #ENGR145 a couple times :-)
March 12 830pm-10pm.

PopUp Accelerator AfterParty

*******  Mentor Mixer   *************


Here is how I hacked Supermodel-ing. I am calling it:

“Gossip Girls: Bachelor Date Package with Larry Chiang”

Authored credit card laws

*** BONUS ***

a party invite for you…

If you liked this…
Larry’s mentor Mark McCormack wrote this in 1983.
His own book came out 09-09-09. It is called ‘What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School

This post was drafted in an hour and needs your edits… email me if you see a spelling or grammatical error(s)… larry@larrychiang com


Larry Chiang started his first company in college. He mimicked his mentor, Mark McCormack, founder of IMG who wrote the book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School”. Chiang is a keynote speaker and bestselling author and gave expert testimony at Congress and World Bank.

Text or call him during office hours 11:11am or 11:11pm PST +/-11 minutes at 650-283-8008. Due to the volume of calls, he may place you on hold like a Scottsdale Arizona customer service rep. If you email him, be sure to include your cell number in the subject line. If you want him to email you his new articles…, ask him in an email :-)




You can read more equally funny, but non-founder-focused-lessons on Larry’s Amazon blog .

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ENGR 145 Equals “4 books”, ‘3 blog posts’ and, “2 videos”
May 9, 2015 at 3:24 pm

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