About Larry Chiang
Hi there,
Nice to meet you!
Initially, I got my start helping college students understand credit cards and credit scores. Now, I help people understand “What They Don’t Teach You in Business School”. I love what I do because mentorship saves so much pain. I talk about mentorship in Chapter 5 of my book. It is on Amazon for $27 but you can read excerpts from all fourteen chapters free at a website called BusinessWeek. And get video previews of all 14 chapters on YouTube
Find me speaking, blogging, tweeting, and writing at Stanford Business School
I encourage you to email me your comments and thoughts. Email is larry @ duck9.com. If you’d like to talk to me, I keep office hours: 11:11am/pm California time (+/- 15 minutes). 650-283-8008
p.s. For best results, you should text me two minutes before you call me 😀
p.p.s. I am also a VC. If you would like to pitch me, execute 2-7 guacamole recipes
Do you need assistance executing and understanding these guacamole recipes?! Contact a Stanford Engineering, ENGR145 alum. They keep 100% of what I charge you to have them teach you what THEY learned. Yes, it is hiLarryAss.