April 11, 2020
By Larry Chiang “Do-the-work” I think this means selling. I know sales is so hard that the euphemism distribution is used. Businesses die when there is not enough sales coming in. Distribution is tough because sales is hard to do when it’s your first try. Wanna practice? Sales. #sellStuffSaturday It’s an exercise that me and @garyvee encourage you to do. Can […]
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January 9, 2020
HCL 2030 and Fast Company invite you to join us at the #FCDavosDialogues Breakfast Panels January 22-24 07:30 – 08:30am HCL Pavilion Promenade 115, Davos Patz 7270 Join us for the “Davos Dialogues”, featuring captivating conversations with innovation drivers and change agents at leading forward-looking organizations, moderated by Fast Company editor-in-chief, Stephanie Mehta.
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