
How Did Silicon Valley Get So Big

by Larry Chiang on August 1, 2015

By Larry Chiang

The sun never sets in the land of Silicon Valley’s tech reach.

4f7106941ff6ba7752175a41dadc7483_normal.jpeg Bob Metcalfe (@BobMetcalfe)
7/31/15, 12:22 PM
LiveOps 80-person HQ moving from Silicon Valley (if you count Redwood City) to Austin (if you count Cedar Park): gov.texas.gov/news/press-rel…
ZN0VKUOa_normal.jpg Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
7/31/15, 4:54 PM
Redwood City is ground zero (-/+ 0.4 miles), so yes, it’s Silicon Valley. Good for #Austin. Great company, LiveOps! twitter.com/bobmetcalfe/st…
4f7106941ff6ba7752175a41dadc7483_normal.jpeg Bob Metcalfe (@BobMetcalfe)
7/31/15, 5:14 PM
@LarryChiang – Is San Francisco in Silicon Valley now? In my day the northern border of the Valley was San Antonio Road.

Silicon Valley goes as north as YVR

ZN0VKUOa_normal.jpg Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
8/1/15, 8:17 AM
Professor @BobMetcalfe, Silicon Valley goes from YVR (Vancouver) to The Baja Peninsula.
I kinda annexed all of it :-)

South to south of San Diego.

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