
6 Lies Told at a NY Financial Technology Conference

by Larry Chiang on December 11, 2009

Larry Chiang has a knack for coat-tailing the best trends in financial services marketing. He first bandwagoned the no-annual fee credit card pioneered by Gary-Wheaton Bank three years before the AT&T Universal Card and has been searching for the next holy grail to hijack. He will be at Finovate in NYC, September 29.

By Larry Chiang

This post is not meant to be humorous in any way, shape or form.

It is meant to stimulate critical thinking and catalyze very serious business thoughts. Remember, conferences are zero fun because it is such hard work meeting new people and selling them new ideas.

In that spirit of seriousness, I reveal the 6 Lies told at Finovate:

-1- I have received numerous term sheets from VCs including Canaan’s, Bartek Ringwelski

-2- Harvard is doing a case study on my company.

-3- After this, I have a dinner with Citibank.

-4- You know the Bill Shrink deal with T-Mobile?!, I am doing the same type of deal with Bank Of America’s Sylvia Coats

-5- I know Richard Fairbank (CEO Capital One). He’s my BFF’s (best friend forever) dad from Stanford GSB. I can totally introduce you!

6– My article is going into TechCrunch. Yeah, I am guest-posting and Erick Shonfeld will edit my stuff

I just lied too. There are way more lies told at Finovate, but I was worried that it was too long if I said eleven twelve.

-7- I have to go sorority houses at Arizona State University for live-time product feedback in March (read boon-doggle because its the dead of winter). You should come!

-8- OMG, I AM GOING to Austin City Limits too! We should hang out in the Austin Ventures tent and we can talk about CreditCards.com and I’ll intro you to the CEO. She’s a friend. Call me when you’re there.

-9-  We have the distribution channels set to go. I just did a strategic partner agreement like Peter Pham (BillShrink CEO. This is in reference to the T-Mobile deal where their ads mention Billshrink.com by name).

I know that this is a similar lie as #4, but its just that popular of a lie

-10- We have a real world strategy. We don’t just use facebook and twitter.

-11- Lisa Westermann of Wells Fargo?! Omg, I used to work for her! She could make grown men cry

-12- I was an early advisor to Aaron Patzer (CEO of Mint).

AND NOW A CONTEST. In the comments section, enter how you translate each lie. The winner will get a brand new, fleece winter coat with a shiny Duck9 logo. Lets call this contest, “Found in Translation“. The winner will be picked by my and I am sure hosting this contest is isn’t 100 legal and has tax implications if you win, but I am willing to go to great lengths to entertain you.

Translate the ‘lies‘ below (also feel free to add your own or the ones you overhear)

If you liked this also read,

9 VCS You Don’t Want to Meet

If you are reading this, its only because of this book:


Previous coverage of Finovate

This post was cranked out in about an hour so email me if you see a spelling or grammatical error(s)… larry@larrychiang comdefault
Larry Chiang is the founder of Duck9. They hacked Fair Isaac’s FICO credit algorithm and graduates college students with a FICO of 750.

Text or call him during office hours 11:11am or 11:11pm PST +/-11 minutes on his cell: 650-283-8008. If you email him, be sure to include your cell number in the subject line.

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