
Larry Chiang’s 7 Pre SXSW Events in SAN FRANCISCO, Calif and Greater Bay Area

by Larry Chiang on December 30, 2014

I’m doing some no cost and low cost free events –Just pay for your gas money to get there or take public transportation
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Pre #SXSW SF networking party #1 of 7:
Berkeley vs @stanfordbball (free PARKING at Haas #CalEweek!)

The Bart drops you in Berkeley. Berkeley is where University of Calif. is

#2 – # 6 are in my twitter feed. Download the official Twitter app here 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Pre #SXSW SF networking party #7 of 7:


Edited for clarity

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
4:15pm – 6:50pm #05Feb2015
4:15-4:25 regstrtn.
400-555 networking
6:00-6:11 #A #sxsw
6:12-6:23 ##sxsw
6:24-6:35 #C #sxsw

Email me to get a invitation

First name = Larry
Stanford tree and me, Larry Chiang (I’m on the left!!)
ENGR145’s two anchor videos move you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve 
Is a bit ly I memorized that links to
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
c/o UCMS Inc
2021 Midwest Road / 3rd FL
Oak Brook IL
650-283-8008 (cell)
Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport: http://ireport.cnn.com/people/larrychiang
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School about EUTWMPPM @SXSW” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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